As the main hormone secreted by the thyroid into the bloodstream, thyroxine is essential for digestion, heart and muscle function, maintaining bone strength, regulating the body’s metabolic rate and muscle control. It is also essential for both physical and mental development.
If you are deficient in thyroxine, then you may have hypothyroidism. Being deficient in thyroxine can be caused by various autoimmune diseases, poor iodine intake or by using certain drugs and medications. But sometimes the cause can be unknown.
Deficiency in thyroid hormones can cause a number of symptoms:
If you are deficient in thyroxine, then you may have hypothyroidism. Being deficient in thyroxine can be caused by various autoimmune diseases, poor iodine intake or by using certain drugs and medications. But sometimes the cause can be unknown.
Deficiency in thyroid hormones can cause a number of symptoms:
So how do you address and treat the symptoms of thyroxine deficiency? Well, that’s simple. You need to address all other hormone deficiencies, which, in turn, positively benefits the health of your thyroid.
Once women become perimenopausal – usually from the age of 40 – this is the prime time when they become deficient in hormones that could be negatively impacting the thyroid function.
To identify which, Bio ID Health offer a doctor-led treatment, that uses bioidentical hormones, uniquely designed to mimic natural hormones – to rectify the often life-changing symptoms you may be experiencing.
With roughly 8 out of 10 women experiencing some of the most common symptoms of menopause both before and after the end of the menstrual cycle, our bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is tailored perfectly to replace the hormones that have significantly decreased in your blood.
Your Treatment
To identify exactly which hormones are lacking and to create a completely bespoke, tailormade hormone treatment plan, the first step is to fill out our online symptom checker.
We encourage you to be completely honest about the symptoms you’re experiencing – no matter how many. We will then arrange an online consultation with one of our specialists, so you can discuss this.
We will then send a qualified phlebotomist out to your home, to perform a venous blood draw, and we will contact you again once we have the results. This is so we can identify exactly which bioidentical hormones you need.
We’ll deliver your personalised hormone replacement treatment directly to your door, with full, detailed instructions on how to take it. Treatments can be administered via gels, lozenges or capsules – whichever you prefer.
Once you have been taking your new bioidentical hormones for between 6 – 8 weeks, we will then arrange for you to have another blood test, to monitor how your hormone levels are doing, before arranging a follow-up consultant appointment – so we can discuss how you’re feeling. So, to make sure you address all other hormone imbalances to positively impact your thyroid function, then get started with Bio ID Health today!
We encourage you to be completely honest about the symptoms you’re experiencing – no matter how many. We will then arrange an online consultation with one of our specialists, so you can discuss this.
We will then send a qualified phlebotomist out to your home, to perform a venous blood draw, and we will contact you again once we have the results. This is so we can identify exactly which bioidentical hormones you need.
We’ll deliver your personalised hormone replacement treatment directly to your door, with full, detailed instructions on how to take it. Treatments can be administered via gels, lozenges or capsules – whichever you prefer.
Once you have been taking your new bioidentical hormones for between 6 – 8 weeks, we will then arrange for you to have another blood test, to monitor how your hormone levels are doing, before arranging a follow-up consultant appointment – so we can discuss how you’re feeling. So, to make sure you address all other hormone imbalances to positively impact your thyroid function, then get started with Bio ID Health today!
What do our patients say?
Julie Green commented: “I suffered from menopause symptoms for a few years, including irritability, hot flushes, joint pain, and memory loss, to mention a few. I didn’t want to use HRT because I don’t believe there is a one-size-fits-all solution.
Dr. Kinsella saw me for a consultation, and following a simple blood test, he was able to figure out what I was missing. For the past three months, I’ve been taking a combination of oestrogen gel, progesterone, and vitamin D tablets, and I’ve noticed a significant improvement in my overall happiness and well-being; even my hot flushes are less frequent.
Dr. Kinsella and his colleagues are still on hand, keeping a careful eye on me and conducting regular blood tests to check my levels. I’m back to my old self, and I owe it to the team to thank them.”
Dr. Kinsella saw me for a consultation, and following a simple blood test, he was able to figure out what I was missing. For the past three months, I’ve been taking a combination of oestrogen gel, progesterone, and vitamin D tablets, and I’ve noticed a significant improvement in my overall happiness and well-being; even my hot flushes are less frequent.
Dr. Kinsella and his colleagues are still on hand, keeping a careful eye on me and conducting regular blood tests to check my levels. I’m back to my old self, and I owe it to the team to thank them.”
Are you suffering with menopause?
Contact us today and schedule in a consultation with one of our experienced and specialised doctors. Let us help you ‘glow’ into the next chapter of your lives.