Progesterone Replacement Therapy

Progesterone levels in women who are perimenopausal – which occurs shortly before going through the menopause – can decrease significantly and as such, can cause troublesome symptoms, such as irritability, poor sleep, heavier and more painful periods, migraines, weight gain and low libido.

Here at Bio ID Health, we are the specialists when it comes to delivering bioidentical hormones to replace the loss of key hormones – including progesterone. to treat the symptoms, progesterone also thins the lining of the uterus to assist in the prevention of endometrial cancer.

Progesterone HRT

Progesterone replacement therapy – or progesterone HRT – mimics the hormone released by the ovaries, contributing to abnormal menstrual periods and perimenopausal symptoms.
A lack of progesterone can also lead to oestrogen becoming the dominant hormone, which can lead to weight gain and increased fat being stored around the stomach area.
These reduced levels can also see women experiencing increased anger, irritability and anxiety – with mood swings becoming the norm – and can result in ‘brain fog’, where sufferers experience cognitive issues.

When taking progesterone HRT, there are a number of benefits:
Anti-depressant and mood-enhancing properties, with optimum levels promoting positive well-being and calmness
Promotes brain function and memory
 Promotes brain function and memory
Helps the metabolism by contributing to the use of fat for energy
Helps the metabolism by contributing to the use of fat for energy
Aids in slowing down the ageing process
Improves libido
Reduces hot flashes and night sweats
Helps prevent endometriosis from forming
 Prevents ovarian cysts

Micronized Progesterone HRT

As a bioidentical hormone featuring the molecular structure identical to that of endogenous progesterone – produced by the ovaries during the menstrual cycle – micronized progesterone HRT has been associated with lowering cardiovascular risk with a positive effect on blood pressure. It can also be a safer choice when reducing the risks of breast cancer.

Here at Bio ID Health, we can deliver micronized progesterone HRT directly in a number of different ways, including gels, lozenges or capsules and, by providing progesterone replacement therapy, we can get you feeling back to your best in no time.

Quality of Life

At BioID, we believe quality of life can be significantly impacted by hormone imbalances, but we can help to relieve symptoms and re-balance your hormones. Based on blood analysis, we will check your hormone levels and a personalised treatment plan will be drawn up by our doctors.

By replacing any hormones that you may be lacking in, we will be able to alleviate symptoms and provide optimal health and function for your body. More than just standard hormone replacement therapy, our bioidentical specialists are on hand to speak to you and guide you through the process.

All you need to do is fill out our symptom questionnaire and speak to one of our consultants. They will then arrange for a qualified phlebotomist to come out to your home to perform a venous blood draw – taking blood from your arm.

The results of this will be sent to your consultant, who will then speak to you and recommend a treatment plan of bespoke hormones – which will be delivered straight to your door.

You will then have a follow-up online consultation and further blood test 6 – 8 weeks later. It’s as easy as that! So fill out our symptom checker and get started today.

What do our patients say?

Lisa said: “From around my early 40’s, I noticed a difference in my hair and nails, I gained weight, my balance was off, my recovery time at the gym was increased, and I just didn’t feel right. I couldn’t find joy in life, and I found it a challenge to get out of bed. Even going to work, meeting new people was difficult.” 
I started taking BioID, and within 5-6 weeks I started to notice a real difference. I felt much better within myself, I no longer had to stand for a minute each morning to regain my balance, and I felt happy again. I am now back to exercising and walking 300 miles per month, and my recovery time is back to normal.
BioID really is life-changing, so I encourage anybody who feels the way I did to try BioID.”

Are you suffering with menopause?

Contact us today and schedule in a consultation with one of our experienced and specialised doctors. Let us help you ‘glow’ into the next chapter of your lives.