Oestrogen Replacement Therapy

Women in menopause can experience a lack of oestrogen – as well as progesterone. As the hormone responsible for multiple functions within the body, oestrogen regulates metabolism, glucose metabolism, insulin sensitivity and body weight.
All oestrogen (or estrogen) is produced in the ovaries and as women get older, the ovaries produce less – and completely stop producing when you hit menopause. At Bio ID Health, we are on hand to help, by providing you with bioidentical oestrogen replacement therapy that will have a significant, positive impact on your health.
As a doctor-led treatment using bioidentical hormones, they are completely bespoke to you and uniquely designed to mimic your natural hormones, replacing the ones you are missing – including bioidentical oestrogen replacement.

Oestrogen HRT

There are numerous benefits to oestrogen bioidentical hormone therapy, which is used primarily to counteract the symptoms of menopause – that cause misery to millions of women in the UK each year.
The average age of menopause in this country is around 51 years of age, but approximately 1 in 100 women in the UK will go into ‘early’ menopause.
Oestrogen replacement can:
·         Reduce the symptoms of menopause
Some of these symptoms can be particularly distressing for the women experiencing them. They can include hot flashes, night sweats, loss of libido, vaginal dryness, brain fog, irritability, sleep disturbance, thinning skin, thinning vaginal walls and depression. Estrogen HRT can help to eliminate these symptoms.
·         Protect bones
Sometimes you can experience bone loss as a result of menopause and lack of oestrogen. Bioidentical oestrogen replacement therapy can help protect your bones and prevent any further loss.
·         Improve cognitive health
You speak to any woman who is going through the menopause, and some will mention brain fog – a common term used to describe difficulty in concentrating, feeling confused and finding decision making harder than usual. Oestrogen HRT can provide you with some clarity.

Bio ID Health’s Experts

With the belief that BioID brings the logic of a doctor’s mind to both your hormones and your health, your specialist bioidentical hormone doctor will help you to maintain optimal balanced hormonal levels by providing you with the hormones you are missing – including oestrogen HRT.

What do our patients say?

Julie Green commented: “I suffered from menopause symptoms for a few years, including irritability, hot flushes, joint pain, and memory loss, to mention a few. I didn’t want to use HRT because I don’t believe there is a one-size-fits-all solution.
Dr. Kinsella saw me for a consultation, and following a simple blood test, he was able to figure out what I was missing. For the past three months, I’ve been taking a combination of oestrogen gel, progesterone, and vitamin D tablets, and I’ve noticed a significant improvement in my overall happiness and well-being; even my hot flushes are less frequent.
Dr. Kinsella and his colleagues are still on hand, keeping a careful eye on me and conducting regular blood tests to check my levels. I’m back to my old self, and I owe it to the team to thank them.”

Are you suffering with menopause?

Contact us today and schedule in a consultation with one of our experienced and specialised doctors. Let us help you ‘glow’ into the next chapter of your lives.

More than just standard hormone replacement therapy.A treatment plan tailored to your health & wellbeing



Fill out our symptom questionnaire and speak to one of our BioID specialists. 


Our process is easy and straight forward – complete your blood test and attend an online prescriber-led consultation to discuss your results and formulate your tailored treatment plan.


Your bespoke hormones will be sent directly to your door as either gels, lozenges or capsules with clear instructions of how to use. You will receive a 3-month supply at each delivery.


Monthly follow up online consultation and further blood test at 8 – 10 weeks.